Bingo Rules and Strategy

Bingo Rules
Bingo is a game of chance with some similar characteristics to a lottery or keno. The main difference is that numbers are drawn until there is a winner. Each player gets a square card consisting of 25 smaller squares. Twenty-four of the squares have a number inside and the middle square is an empty, 'free' space. Players are usually allowed to play multiple cards.
Numbers in bingo range from 1 to 75. A new number is picked every several seconds until a player achieves bingo. This is done when you form a straight line of five spaces with numbers matching numbers called. The line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. Diagonals only require you to match 4 numbers because of the free space. The free space can also be utilized horizontally or vertically in the center of the card. Some online games require you to fill the spaces as they are called, others fill them for you (personally I like to be involved somewhat when gambling.)
Bingo Strategy
Being that bingo is a game of chance, and the numbered balls are drawn randomly, most people dispel the possibility of bingo having a strategy. Turns out that the very statement that people use to dispel the possibility is the reason a strategy exists.
Say of the 75 numbers to be chosen, the first called is number 16. What this does is slightly reduce the odds that another ball ending in 6 will be drawn again. Similarly, the odds are greater that a higher number will be pulled next, as well as an odd number. The premise is that as the sample size (balls that have been pulled) increases and approaches the size of the population (all balls 1-75) the attributes of the sample will more closely reflect the attributes of the population. For instance, the average of all numbers 1-75 is 38, so the average of numbers pulled should approach 38 with each new number.
What this boils down to is card choice. As each new ball is pulled you will begin to notice the numbers are evenly spread among:
1) Numbers ending in 0-9
2) Odd and even numbers
3) High and low numbers
However, there is a degree of variability that you can not eliminate. This variability usually begins to show up after about 6 numbers are chosen. The first 6 numbers will probably all end in with a different digit, but around the 7th pick a duplicate will appear (like 24 and 54). This variation cannot be explained or predicted.
All of the complicated calculation that goes into this can be easily simplified. In choosing a card, look along horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines for a good balance of high/low, odd/even and ending digits. Pay careful attention to the lines that only require 4 matching numbers to win.

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